
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Garden 2011

Our Garden is doing wonderful this year! It has been all green and hardly any bugs(so far :)). We harvested some of our potatoes last week. I cannot wait to get them roasted with some carrots and onion! Yummy! The only sad thing was I got only 3 potatoes per plant. I will be digging in my gardening books and seeing what I can do to get more per plant next time.
 The tomatoes are starting to product. Which means I better have my jars for canning them ready and soon! They have about 10 tomatoes per plant at the moment(we planted 12 tomatoes plants) They will make good paste, pasta sauce and soups this winter.
My peas and green beans,water melon,pumpkin, horse reddish, rhubarb, spinach, lettuce, grapes and figs are all green and hanging in there. Hppefully they will product later this summer! Yummy Yummy!

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