
Thursday, October 21, 2010

October/November 2010

Greetings Friends and Family,
It is October already! This month we celebrated our 2nd Anniversary. Of course we celebrated by going to the Texas State Fair in Dallas, TX. The rides, food, music  it was all worth it!
The food this year was fried pizza, fried chocolate, fried  margarita, fried Frito pie and many other foods. Some of these were good, while others really left things to be desired! It will be interesting to see what they will have next year!

We have been busy studying up on electrical code, home inspection, and homesteading. The employees at Barnes and Noble are going to know us by our names by the first of the year because we frequent the bookstore on almost a daily basis. Where else can you sit, read, and get your caffeine fix all in one place! lol 
We are hoping that with this a door will open for us to share, teach and live out what we are learning. Sandra is looking into starting a homesteading group that meets once a month. To teach people the basics of homesteading. We will see only the good Lord knows what come next in our lives.
The garden is doing very well. It has produced more fruit since the fall weather has set in than any other time this year. We have peppers, tomatoes, coming out our ears. I know someone will be doing some canning again and soon! She has already made several jars of fig jam and boy it was good but it did not last long.

Bo and Luke and grown in leaps and bounds. They have turned into 2 sweet Golden's! Here are current pictures of our 4 legged children.

We wish everyone a safe and Happy Howl-o-ween!

Sandra & Steffon

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