
Saturday, March 13, 2010


We bought our first Ducklings for our small farm to be on March 9th 2010. They are 1 week old.
We think they are Male and Female will not know until they get feathers.
I will post more on ducks and there care as we learn to care for them.


  1. They are so much fun! But also messy. We do ducky diaper changes every other day unless there is a major mess. We have had 2 major messes so far. Plus we have had 2 scares. The first being a duckling that started choking. Steff rubbed his little neck till he swallowed. Our second scare was the same duck. He got his head suck in the water dish. Steff help him get unstuck.
    We check on the duckies every couple of hours just to make sure they are ok. The picture above is one of those major messes. They messed up their bedding by dumping their water and bathing in it. While I cleaned them up, we let them play in about 2 inches of water. That seemed to satisfy them. I will say this if you do put them in some water Supervise and make sure you get them really dry or they will get sick. We keep ours under a heat lamp 24/7. They will be under a light for a few more weeks.

  2. In two weeks they have doubled in size, speed and are the perkiest little waddles ever. I cannot keep up with them. Since the last post they have been introduced to Jake our golden who just loves them and follows them around. Bandit on the other hand is another story LOL. He will meet them when they are older since he thinks small live things are toys to play with. They had there first taste of romaine lettuce yesterday and loved it! So this morning I gave them some more and they went wild over it! I will post more later!

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